Monday, June 2, 2008

Hair Hair Everywhere

Some people have asked if I have tried to comb Jameson's hair. The answer is yes. I have tried to comb it to make it lay flat and look debonnaire, however, it doesn't really stay. In the pictures I tried to part it and comb it to one side. I have also tried to slick it back, and slick it forward, and the results when it dries are always the same, and always look really ridiculous. So far, I have found two cowlicks on the back of his head, but I swear, there has to be more to make his hair go so crazy. I have picture evidence below, and I think the results are pretty humorous.




I love this picture!

On a different note, I think Jameson is getting his bottom front teeth. What is making me think this? Well he has little white pointy things just below his gum line, he is drooling like crazy, he woke up a couple of times during the night the past couple of nights, at times he is pretty fussy, and his new favorite thing to do is stick his hands, fingers, etc into his mouth and chew on them. I know this is the age when they become fascinated with hands, but its the other signs that makes me believe he is beginning to cut his first teeth. He doesn't even turn 3 months-old until tomorrow! I am not sure, but I will keep everyone updated. I suppose we will know in a couple of weeks if his teeth start coming in.

His gummy smile


girl said...

I really don't think there is a baby with more adorable hair!! He is SO cute!! :)

Alison said...

TEETH!! oh my...He's growing up too fast, tell him to stop!

Patti said...

He is getting so big!! I love his blue eyes, such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Scooter, OK I will try once more...I wish I was more computer savy... As I recall, you hated the way your hair looked when you were a kid!! However, as you are finding out, when faced with "Hair Hair Everywhere" the only thing you can do is experiment and laugh!! But, you must be prepared for Jameson to ask you, in 10-15 years, "Momma, why did you let my hair look so crazy??!!" Please don't cut his hair for a long, long time! I love it and Dad & I love the photo updates! Thanks you! Love all three of you!